Dental Trauma

Who are prone to dental trauma?

Those who are more prone to dental trauma are children with:

1 Protruding front teeth
2 Incompetent lips (or lips that don’t usually cover over the teeth)

Possible consequences in trauma to primary tooth

1 Dead tooth
a. Discoloration
b. Swelling / Abscess
c. Pain
d. Increased Mobility
2 Damage to developing adult tooth underneath
a. Dilaceration (developing teeth is kinked/bent out of shape due to the trauma )
b. Hypoplasia (incomplete development of tooth structure)
c. Malocclusion (misalignment of teeth)

Possible consequences in trauma to adult tooth:

1 Dead tooth
a. Discoloration
b. Swelling / Abscess
c. Pain
d. Increased Mobility
e. Internal Resorption
f. Root Resorption